Sunday, February 22

socky took a swim

Earlier today, after our hibachi lunch with Gingi & Popi (who came to town for a quick visit)... Popi took me out to see the fish pond. He gave me penny upon penny & let me make "wish" after "wish". What fun!

Nobody bothered to mention that I should not throw everything into the pond, so when Popi (& Daddy & Gingi) ran out of pennies, without any hesitation whatsoever, I proceeded to send Socky for a swim, too. I guess the water was a little chili, because mom snatched her out immediately. That wish should definitely come true, because my Socky was a much bigger donation than any penny!

Enjoy these pictures from today's lunch... thanks for coming to visit with us, Gingi & Popi... miss you already!


alake said...

Oh, how I love this blog...such a distraction at work! HA! Love that socky went for a swim...

grier said...

Mamanda... love you, girl!!!... what do you think about a girls night soon???... perhaps a Grey's 'n' Grub again???... I'll get to working on that!


Anonymous said...

I am so excited that your precious family is moving back to San Angelo. Baby Grier is soooo adorable! Hopefully you and Lauren can get together sometime. She could use some good advice I am sure. I just got back from spending 5 days in San Antonio. They will be coming next weekend for Lauren's baby shower. I enjoy looking at and reading your blog. Say hi to Bethany the next time you talk to her. Love, Kim