After arriving in San Angelo on Thursday, June 18th... we hit the road again for Austin on Friday afternoon. Juanita (daddy's cousin) & Michael's wedding was on Saturday & I got to hang out with all of my aunts, uncles, & cousins (Popi's family). The wedding was great... dad spent most of the time entertaining me in the foyer, but I liked the view from the cheap seats better anyway... I could run around & play... and go to the windows every once in a while for a peak into the sanctuary.
The most exciting part of the whole ceremony (for everyone but the bride & groom) was when Juanita's engagement ring fell down the vent in the floor at the church. We didn't even realize it had happened, until afterwards when the whole family joined the search & rescue cause. Thankfully... after a little bit of MacGiver work, the guys pulled through & saved the day.
Their reception was a blast... it was at a hotel in South Austin. I spent some time getting to know my fun cousins, dancing, and eating cake. Juanita looked beautiful & I am so glad we got to attend her big day.
Their reception was at a fun museum in downtown Abilene, where they had tables set up inside & outside. It was a toasty evening, but that didn't slow any of us down... especially thanks to the yummo mini ice cream cones they had (much to my enjoyment you'll see). I joined in with the rest of the crowd & danced the night away. The photo above (right) is of me shakin' it on the dance floor. You can also see me doing the "Y" of "YMCA" below. I'd say my dance moves have improved, even since one week before @ Juanita & Michael's wedding :o)
Hope you all enjoy these pix... I'm working on another post with photos of our new casa & the first few weeks in SA. Be on the lookout...
Jessica & Andy