So let's just say - when our mom's decided that Mia & I should not exchange gifts this year, but instead open boxes filled with "other stuff"... we were a little hesitant.... WHAT NO GIFTS?? But, I must say - our mommies know best (take it while you can get it - I won't always say that, mommy). hehe!
After stuffing our tummies full of pot roast, potatoes, carrots, rolls, mac 'n' cheese, & bananas.... we dug right into the dessert.... our non-PRESENTS!
In case you are wondering... we already have this unwrapping thing down pat. We tore into the ribbon 'n' paper & pulled open the boxes to find some mighty fun stuff. We are no doubt prepared for our approaching first birthday parties.
Two of the boxes were filled with silver tinsel & as you can see - it was a HIT! One of the other boxes was filled with tissue and empty water jugs... the box was so big, we almost fell into it. And one other box had 2 yellow bouncy balls... one for me & one for Mia.
We all had so much fun tonight... even the daddies were goofing off, too. I think they liked our non-PRESENTS as much as we did.
Even though Mia & I won't be able to see each other on Christmas Day... we're now confident that the other can survive the madness alone.
I went to lunch with my funny & sweet Aunt Erica today. She got to see me eat in full force... boy was she surprised when I started reaching for her salad & shoveling in whatever I could muster. We had a great lunch together.... and did she ever know how to make me smile!....
She gave me my Christmas present a little early & boy does she get me! She gave me a new book, a new little dress, & an ELMO!!!! Gosh - you should have seen my eyes light up when I pulled my good buddy Elmo out of that box. Well - I guess you can see for yourself in the pictures.
Thank you so much, Aunt E... you are definitely one of my favorite peeps ever :o)
... after all - the best eating utensils are FINGERS - I mean that IS why God made our hands.... am I right or am I right?
Butofcourse, my pushy parents have started trying to get me to use a baby spork sometimes. You'll see from the videos, that I get the concept and all - but it's just so much easier & faster to use my hands. Thank goodness I am ambidextrous, because while mom's trying to get me to use a spork with one hand, I can still shovel bananas in with my other hand in between scoops. Gotcha, mom!
It is kinda hard to scoop up anything from my flat tray, so if mom's not helping me scoop, I have to pick up the food & put it onto my spork first. You can see me do that in the 2nd video. Hey - I'm learning, and in the meantime I am having a blast. Dad says I'm too busy being a ham to practice my skills.... me a ham? no way.
Speaking of food... I am an eating machine these days. I will eat just about anything & everything in site... and the more flavor, the better!
Mom keeps making comments that this is the best "diet" she's ever been on... she does not even have to try & she's cutting calories, because I'm eating 1/2 of the food on her plate. You name it - I'll eat it.... & the bigger the portions, the better!
This week has been full of new foods... tortellini with meat sauce, garlic 'n' herb chicken, kielbasa turkey sausage, chicken strips, ranch style beans, mac 'n' cheese... and my very first Dunkin' Donut!!!
You all stay tuned - by my next doctor appointment, I'll be at the top of the chart for weight - I'm packin' it on baby...bring on the grownup food & forget the grownup utensils!