Anyhoo... I hear that I'll be having a birthday party this weekend (I think that sounds like a grand idea, don't you??), but since today is my real birthday, mom baked me a little cake & I got to open a few gifts tonight. Popi & Gingi are in Arizona for the TCU Bowl Game, but DooDah & K.K. joined us for the small shindig. I got the hang of the candle extinguishing this year much better than last year.... they even re-lit the candles, so that I could blow them out a second time. The gifts were great, too... it was like another Christmas... & so soon!
Mom cannot believe that I am TWO... she kept saying that all day today. I guess she thought I might stay little forever... but NOPE - I've got plans to keep on growing. I hope you enjoy the photos from tonight & many thanks to all of my friends who called with sweet, loving wishes today!