Tuesday, March 10

it's official... there's a sign in our yard...

Our friend, Becca, came by today & officially put our house on the market. She put a bright yellow sign in our front yard & put a funny box with buttons on our front door. About 10 seconds after she left... I tried out the buttons on that box... I could not get it to do anything, but I imagine those buttons will be fun to play with when no body's looking! :o)

Mom took some pictures of me outside by the sign, just to commemorate this big day! I guess there's no turning back now... the madness begins & mom's going to be nuttier than ever trying to pick up after me 24 hours a day. Don't think for even one second that I'm going to take it easy on her... I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. ☺☺☺☺

Know anyone looking for a house in Nashvegas???
me waving at prospective buyers as they drive by▲


Sarah said...

Good Luck Lewrights! I hope you get your home sold super fast!!

Chelsea said...

I hope the housing market is as good there as it is here! YEA! Texas awaits!! :)

Erica M. said...

I don't love this post!

Thanks again for feeding me on Monday night. Cheese pie=AMAZING!!!!!!

I love you guys!

Aunt E