Wednesday, September 17

clap, clap, clap your hands

That's right.... I have been working on mastering my patty-caking skills (aka: clapping), so that I can cheer for my COWBOYS!!! Romo's been doing his job (and I must say - he's quite the looker, too) ... so as a good fan, a girl's gotta know how to clap for da' boys!. I've been practicing overtime on this one, guys!

I've also been saying "da da" a little bit more. I actually said "da da" months ago as my 1st words, but I've kept that one in my back pocket until lately. "Ma Ma" is getting a little overused, so I think I'll see if I can pull on daddy's heart strings a little now :o) - he he he!

Mom took me for a walk this afternoon.... it was such a gorgeous day outside! After the walk she caught me monkeying around a little bit in these videos. You can see me clapping & saying "da da" (if you listen closely). You might also notice that mom's been working with me on my flexibility, too.... ha ha - not really!

Other than that... the pictures are from yesterday afternoon... just dad playing around with his new camera again... enjoy ladies & gents!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are too cute! we love being able to see you getting bigger everyday(: can't wait to see y'all again!! :D

and kelsey