Tuesday, June 10

chow time... NOW!

I was so stinkin' hungry tonight - - I had to practically scream my head off to get mom & dad to give me some food. They wouldn't listen for a while, so I just kept getting louder! I've been trying to train my poor parents for the past 5 months, but sometimes I still have to scream to get them to listen. Boy, I was starving! Oh - and I didn't want a boring old bottle... NO, NO.... I wanted the real food that you big people eat - APPLES & PEARS - now that's what I'm talking about!!! So - back to the story .... after a minor fit, (thrown by yours truly) my mom finally took the hint and got out the chow. You'll see in this video that I was really excited about my dinner tonight. Too bad though, mom says I've gotta try veggies tomorrow... anything green could not taste good, right??? Stay tuned for an update!

1 comment:

KK said...

You sound like your Do-Dah when something he is eating tastes real good. I'm so glad you like big people food. Lots of fruits and veggies is a good way to start!!! I love you sweetie, Granna