Sunday, July 18

rolling, rolling, rolling

Ardynn has been rolling over for a couple of weeks now... she can roll from back to stomach, in fact - we find her on her stomach in her crib quite often after naps, but mostly she's mastered getting from her belly to her back. The first video shows the little cutie patootie playing around on the floor. Unfortunately, I was napping during this video shoot, so I did not get any face time. However, you'll see me again in the other couple of video clips acting like a monkey & showing off my counting skills (although - the counting is pretty old hat by now... mom just thought we should document it).

Ardynn is getting a little bit better at eating her big girl cereal... the video below is from a couple of days ago, so it was still really new to her (only her 2nd attempt) - but tonight she seemed to understand EXACTLY what the spoon was. She was gobbling up that sloppy looking mess. I wanted to see how yummy that rice cereal really is, so when she finished her little snack tonight - I took a bite. Can I just say G-R-O-double S..... that stuff is just gross! It was so bad... I gagged a little bit & needed a drink of water ASAP. I don't blame the little bean for not loving it immediately. It certainly must be an acquired taste... YICK!! On the agenda for this week - - try to get mommy to let her try some veggies or fruit. Poor kid!

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