Do you have any idea how much fun a girl can have with a few eggs?!? I am telling ya - they're more than breakfast food peeps! Our EGGstravagant Easter weekend began Friday night when our family colored about 5 dozen beauties at our house. I had a BLAST using the different dyes and crayons and markers and paint and stickers.... oh, yeah - I created some eggs that were definitely too pretty to make into any deviled delights!!
On Saturday morning... much our surprise, the good 'ole Easter Bunny had visited our house. When I woke up, there was a trail of eggs that began at the door to my room & led all the way down the stairs & into the living room, where a big basket of goodies was waiting for Ardynn and me. What a good guy that

bunny is, because not only did he leave us some way cool stuff, but he also hid a big bundle of eggs in our back yard. After a little breakfast, it was all the adults could do to keep me from busting out the back door. I hunted relentlessly until I'd picked up every last egg that bunny left. I'll give you 3 guesses as to what all of the plastic eggs had in them....... that's right - CANDY!!! (and a few with fruit rollups, goldfish, and fruit snacks, too - just in case I get tired of the candy... haha - never.) And don't you worry.... since Ardynn is still too itty bitty to search for herself, I made sure that she had a few eggs in her basket, too ;o). On Saturday afternoon, we went out the Great Uncle Ray & Aunt Joyce's house for another Easter celebration. There were tons of good family and friends... I had a blast playing with all of the kiddos and Ardynn was very, very, very well loved on by all of the people there, too.

Sunday was a special day... we woke up and got all dolled up in our new blue dresses that mommy picked out for us and headed to church to celebrate a most blessed day. After church, we took a few photos at Popi & Gingi's house before heading to Abilene to celebrate with..... you guessed it..... more EGG hunting! Gingi's family lives in Abilene and every year they have a rather large Easter celebration at Great Grandma & Grandpa Jacques's house. Because we've lived in Tennessee during every Easter since I've been around, I had not been able to experience the madness in Abilene before, but I certainly made up for it this year. I hunted candy & eggs until my little legs could hardly carry me any more & picked up enough candy to rot out every last tooth in my head. Aaahhh... it was great! Once again... Ardynn enjoyed all of the attention & love (that baby better be glad that I'm willing to share the spotlight... hehehe!)
What a fantastic Easter we had... God gave us some beautiful weather & we were able to enjoy a blessed weekend with all of our wonderful family & friends... hope you did the same!
coloring Easter eggs with the family...
Easter Bunny Goodies....
egg hunt in my backyard...
my masterpieces...
Easter Sunday (after church)...
egg hunt in Abilene...
above... Bebay got me with a confetti egg... I was not so amused ;o)
Happy Easter! What a great weekend!
So cute! I love, love, love Griers yellow polka dot outfit...super cute. Glad you guys are doing well.
What a great blog! Sounds like you had a wonderful Easter! I LOVE the dresses. SO adorable. :) Very cute kids. You're so blessed.
Your girls are super adorable!!
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