Saturday, November 15

i'm getting closer to the 'w' word...

No, no - not my wedding.... WALKING. Actually, I am not so sure I'd call it walking, in fact - it is probably closer to graceful falling than walking, but nonetheless... I can take a couple of steps by myself. I have really improved my skills with my walker, but I'm just starting to venture out on my own, and honestly, I don't do it much at all, unless mom & dad coax me. Like I said - I'm no pro, so don't expect much, but the day is getting closer - watch out world! You can see for yourself in the first 2 videos below. In the third video, you can see a shot of my new goofy face (the one mom spoke of in the previous post). Kellye says it is my Elmer Fudd face... ha! I am quite the little ham & make my "Elmer Fudd" face ALL of the time now... notice I even have the sound effects down, too.

Also included are a few pictures from tonight... how do you like my darling new coat? My sweet Granna sent it to me & boy am I glad she did, because it was cooooold out there today! They are forecasting some snow flurries for Nashville tonight - woo hoo!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Wow are doing so great with your walking! And you are such a silly girl with your cute face! Stay warm you, sarah