What was that? Did I hear you say that you dropped something in the water at the bottom of the pool??? Have no fear... I AM HERE!!! That's right... after only a few swimming lessons, I have learned to get sticks & rings off of the bottom of the pool!!!
Ok... so let me clarify just a little... I do need some help maneuvering to the bottom of the pool, as I have not quite mastered the actual "swimming" motions yet, but, I do love to put my face in the water & search for stuff! Daddy took me to get a cool pair of pink goggles & holy
moly - I can see for miles under the water now! I do think it took a few (
ok - A LOT of) nerves from mommy the first time she had to dunk me under to reach for something, but it only took a few times for me to decide that "me can do it".

Yes, I have added some videos, as I thought I might need to prove my "diving" skills to any of you skeptics ;o) You will see that I was having so much fun practicing at
Gingi &
Popi's house. Daddy has to remind me to slow down every once in a while, because I'd spend more time under the water than on top. It might not be such a bad idea with this West Texas heat wave we have going on lately... it has been over 100 degrees for 17 days straight... and counting. We'll break the record if the heat stays around 'til Tuesday. Mom says that is NOT quite the kind of record she wants to be breaking, but it does make for nice swimming weather!
Arydnn also had her 5 month "birthday" this week, so I have included some photos of the little bean. She is sleeping so well at night & is still smiling at anything that moves (and some things that don't). She has started to sit up with some help from the
boppy or from mommy and LOVES her toys these days. She is still nursing, but mom has started to give her a formula bottle every once in a while, just to get her used

to it... she does not seem to mind one little bit. Ardynn is definitely a little eater & I think if she could talk, she might say... "I don't care where you find it or what it tastes like... JUST GIMME, GIMME!!"
She has had some allergy trouble this past week, but the snot rockets & gushing eyes don't seem to bother her too much (until mom tries to suck the boogers or blot the tears, of course). She also
looooves me these days, too... I can keep her attention better than just about anyone. She is little, so I have to look out for her, ya know!?... I even tell any new workers at the gym nursery (where mommy leaves us while she "
ettercises" (aka:
exercises) that they are not allowed to hold her, & that I need to give her the bottle. I am NOT ABOUT to let any strangers try to take care of my baby sister. She is so cute... they just might try to take her home with them.
Lastly... you'll see some photos of me with my bud, Sydney... we had a blast playing at McDonald's & at my house on Friday.
Nothin' like an afternoon full of
play dough, dress up clothes, & toy scattering!
What a big girl swimmer Grier is!!! I love the ride em' cowgirl picture too! Yee Haw!
PS tell Gingi that the liner fits the moses basket great! Thanks again!
Love these videos! Love how we can hear her blowing bubbles....she is good at that! You guys are going to have so much fun with her in the pool over the years to come. Hopefully Ardynn is a waterbug too :)
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