Thursday, October 1

am i talented?... or am i talented?

Ok, ok... so you're right - most people would not call this stuff talent, but at least this girl ain't skeered to try new stuff! I thought you guys might like to see a few random videos of me from this week. You'll notice in the first few, that I am wearing one of my gymnastics leotards. If ever I spot one around the house, I get the urge to put it on immediately. I've been doing my "gymnastics walk" a lot, too (tippy toes with my arms over my head)..... oh, yeah - I'm pretty good at it!

There is not much explaining to do for these videos - they're just silly snippets. The first is of my"gymnastics walk". The second is of my new "dog calling" technique. The third is of me getting Keecha to give me a high five. The last is of me being SUPER SILLY - make sure you watch all the way to the end, when I get curious about the camera & mom turns the view-finder around, so I can see myself in the video camera!!!

Hope you enjoy & hope you all have a great weekend!

PS - this photo is from last October... it's one of mom's all-time favorite photos of my precious little self, so I thought I'd throw it in, since we didn't have any new photos from this week to include here! Just a reminder... FALL IS HERE (now where are the lower temps???)


Chelsea said...

Grier, you've got some awesome dance moves! :) and I can sympathize with ya, I don't like seeing myself on camera as well! :)

Elaine said...

Grier, you are the CUTEST, SWEETEST little gymnast. I LOVE your are such a little professional.

Jordan said...

Love the snippets of Miss Grier! How's the house?

Natalie said...

Love the videos....You are too cute! Grier, tell your mommy that miss Natalie needs to know how your mommy edits her videos! Silly me...I just can't figure it out!

Erica M. said...

You are growing up so fast and I LOVE your dance moves. I miss you so much baby girl and I can't wait to see you soon!!

Aunt E