Thursday, March 26

...munchkin olympics - here i come!!!

It might not be much yet, but my floor routine gets better every day... I finally have a tumbling pass - - - a front roll! woot, woot! Ok, ok... so if I'm technical about it, I still need a spotter (aka: somebody to push me over) - but someday soon I'll be able to do it on my own.

For a few weeks now, mom has had me practicing my forward rolls. I have not yet quite figured out how to get my big tooshy pushed over yet, but I can certainly get myself into professional front-rolling position.

I enjoy doing rolls most of the time, in fact as soon as I hear the word - I get all excited and put my head on the ground. But... my dorky mom wants me to do about a million a day (you can hear her annoying voice in the videos below).... and I thought my daddy was the competitive one... ha! So when I've had enough, I let them know by shooting them one of my famous "scowls".

If you've seen me over the past few weeks, you know that I have also been perfecting this "scowl technique". Most all strangers that approach me are greeted with this face & even some loved ones. My grandmas keep warning me that if I don't stop making my stinker face... I'll have frown lines by the time I'm 2. Oh, well.... it's a good way to pout & to scare off strangers. Mom caught my scowl several times on camera tonight. Be afraid.... be very afraid!

Hope you enjoy the pix & the videos of my forward rolls... again, please ignore my mother's annoying coaching in the background... she's relentless!

1 comment:

Erica M. said...

You are so freaking adorable! Those scowl pictures are PRICELESS! And you will be flipping around in no time! I love you baby girl and I hope to see you this week!

Aunt E